(Michael Rath Trombone Artist)
ホテルニューアカオの専属バンドに在籍後、某テーマパークのメインバンドに在籍。Big mouthバンドリーダー兼、全てのアレンジを担当、全国ツアーに参加。
少年サンデーの音楽マンガの全監修を担当。7年前よりアジア人で初めてイギリスのTromboneブランド、Michael Rathの専属Artistとなり、自己のバンドBack Boneなどで活動中。
ブダペストのリスト音楽院の記念コンサートにアジア人代表として出演。Back Boneの台湾ツアーを果たし、台北big band festivalに日本人代表としてゲスト出演。
>I studied the Trombone at Showa University of Music. I was previously a member of famous main band, and Big Mouth. I have been one of the
Michael Rath Trombone Artists from UK since 2012.
I have supervised some music comics in Japan.
I formed My own band "Back Bone!" in 2003. The "Back Bone!" consists of 5 trombones, 3 rhythms and 1 vocal, and mainly plays FUNK and SOUL MUSIC.
I'm a band master and also in charge of musical arrangement for the band. The "Back Bone!" has been co-stared with a lot of well-known musicians!